There are many different channels that are involved in construction and there are also a number of factors that must be kept in mind. For example, when one is looking to initiate a Phoenix commercial construction project, site improvement must be taken into account. Site improvements for commercial property will typically entail making changes to the land in order to contribute to the building that has been, or will be, built. Common commercial site improvements include providing underground utilities to the building, such as power/electric, cable, phone, gas, sewer and water lines, plus excavation for the building(s), parking spaces, site lighting, landscapes/hardscapes, travel ways and often many other aspects of the property. The ultimate goal of site improvement is to provide what is needed for the function of a property and the building(s) according to their proposed use, as well as to enhance the property’s appearance.
It is clear that sewage, water pipes and other fundamentals of a building are necessary in order to ensure it functions properly and meets the needs of the business(es) that will be occupying it. In the world of commercial construction, buildings are designed to hold people, goods and equipment; therefore, it is essential that the site is regularly improved to ensure the proper functioning of the particular purpose of the structure.
The first step to undergoing improvements to a commercial structure is to develop a site plan; this is a design of the property with the locations of the building(s), parking spaces, water drainage/retention and utilities within the property’s boundaries. An architect will usually design the layout of the building(s), parking lot, driveways and landscape areas and then have an engineer design the parking lot elevations and storm water drainage/retention as needed. The architect will also work with a landscape architect to design the vegetation and hardscapes. Not only does the site plan give the contractor a graphic design to follow, it also provides the county or city of jurisdiction with documentation to ensure that the local building codes are being met. The first building block of site planning involves organization of the landscape; this step requires knowledge of vegetation, hydrology and a number of other factors. In addition, site planning organizes the land use according to zoning, circulation, privacy, shelter, drainage and other crucial factors that may influence the project. The next step involves transportation planning, which involves sidewalks, streets and basic modes of transport route improvements that may need to be made. Lastly, there is the aspect of urban planning which takes the surrounding communities into mind. All of these factors contribute to a successful site improvement project.
Among the many important aspects of construction that must be kept in mind, site improvement is one of the most crucial. Not only does it enable one to have a properly functioning structure, it also allows it to be suitable among the surrounding buildings. As with structure design, it requires planning and proper knowledge of zone codes, yet ultimately it is another blueprint that traces the pathway for a successful finished product.